
我们的 community-building programs offer students the opportunity to spend time weekly, 每月, 或者一年一次, and be present with people in our community who may experience injustice. 的 hope of our community-building programs is to recognize the innate dignity in every person and to show up through a service of presence, 对话, 共享资源. 花时间和老年人在一起, 农民工, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and make a difference in our community and in someone’s life. 当一个人受苦时,我们都受苦. 当一个人高兴时,我们大家都有理由高兴.


使命及宗旨 of SMC的伙伴 is “to enhance the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships.” It is our hope as members of SMC的伙伴 to recognize the innate dignity in every human being by promoting awareness and integration through our events.

SMC的伙伴 is a student-initiated program through which college students form bonds and friendships with adults in the local community who live with intellectual or physical disabilities. Volunteers meet regularly as a group and participate in a variety of activities and events throughout the year. Special events include dances, art shows, trick-or-treating, and a prom.

学生领导联系人: 艾比罗马 25 (aroman@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); 内特·卡尔 25 (ncarr@mail.mogrenlandscape.com)

使命及宗旨 民权联盟 is to be centered on advocacy work and our dedication to social justice. We support student activism in our community by working with different campus clubs and local organizations to provide opportunities for students to act on their social justice interests. 我们致力建立和维持一个接纳和包容的社区, in which we can educate people about current social and racial justice movements. 我们目前与美国合作.S. Committee for Immigrants and Refugees to provide support for New Americans in a variety of forms. Volunteers have sorted and organized donations for the Refugee Resettlement Program, and have staffed a “Tech Tent” to help individuals troubleshoot the challenges of learning how to use and navigate the laptops they are provided through the program. 与我们的合作伙伴, we have hosted workshops on topics like building empathy and addressing racism, 帮助美国新家庭组织和收集材料, 并参加了俄亥俄州一个支持移民农场工人的集会.

学生领导联系人: 劳伦·韦尔奇 25 (lwelch2@mail.mogrenlandscape.com);  安娜贝拉法雷尔 25 (afarrell@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); Kylee莱格 25 (klegg2@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); 叶Reiderer 25 (lreiderer@mail.mogrenlandscape.com)

它是。 使命及宗旨 of the 矫正排球 program to support the rehabilitation of the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility (CRCF) residents through physical activity and interaction. We also strive to break stereotypes and widen the broader awareness of our volunteers.

矫正排球 is a program in which volunteers have the opportunity to visit the Chittenden County Correctional Facility and play volleyball with the residents in a safe and friendly environment.

Correctional volleyball is one of 移动’s longest-established programs and is often the most popular with students. It allows for the combination of recreational activity with service and the program is greatly appreciated by the correctional facility.

学生领导联系人: 伯纳黛特Lesieur 25 (blesieur@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); 艾米丽DuFour-Woznicki 25 (edufourwozni@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); 安德鲁康吉 26日(aconger2@mail.mogrenlandscape.com)

它是。 使命及宗旨 of 移动’s 隆德 program to develop authentic relationships with the women and children at 隆德 through consistent support, 沟通, 积极参与.

移动’s 隆德 program partners with the Lund Family Center in South Burlington, VT. 的 Lund Family Center is a rehabilitation facility for pregnant or parenting mothers who wish to receive treatment for addiction and 心理健康 issues. 隆德大学的课程是独一无二的, as the mothers have their children in facility with them during their treatment. 通过这个项目, 我们的志愿者与正在挣扎的女性建立联系, 或者挣扎过, 滥用药物和精神疾病. We hope to continue educating ourselves and the SMC community about homelessness, 药物滥用, 家庭暴力, 少女怀孕, 心理健康, 以及康复的力量, all while breaking down stigmas and bias about those suffering with these issues. 志愿者通过艺术项目帮助孩子们, 和妈妈和孩子一起做艺术, 抱婴儿或逗蹒跚学步的孩子玩, 和更多的. 隆德 student leaders have also offered alternative volunteer opportunities during the past two years since 隆德 was not accepting in-person volunteers. 而不是, volunteers have organized craft kits to deliver to the mothers and children at 隆德, 哪些是非常受欢迎的.

学生领导联系人: 艾米丽DuFour-Woznicki 25 (edufourwozni@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); 汉娜•班尼特 26日(hbennett@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); 梅兰妮·阿尔瓦拉多·阿布鲁 27 (malvaradoabr@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); Kat格里森 27 (kgleeson@mail.mogrenlandscape.com)

使命及宗旨 of 长者游戏 is to bridge the generation gap between senior citizens and college-aged students through friendly boardgame and cardgame competitions in a relaxing and comfortable environment.

在SMC和老年人一起出去玩是一件很有趣的事. 老年公民计划前往当地的老年住房设施. Volunteers play bingo, talk about current events and spend time with local seniors. 我们还举办了一个有音乐、食物和舞蹈的“高年级”舞会! 志愿者可以加入我们一次或多次,只要他们愿意.

学生领导联系人: 阿瓦拉维妮 26日(alavigne@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); Kelsey伊士曼 26日(keastman@mail.mogrenlandscape.com)

它是。 使命及宗旨 of Juntes is to educate students about the migrant farmworker population and work alongside Migrant Justice in supporting the migrant farmworker community in Vermont. Volunteers have the opportunity to get involved in the Milk with Dignity Campaign through marches, 通过行动, 以及其他团结一致的表现.

尊严牛奶项目将农场工人聚集在一起, 农民, 买家, and consumers to secure dignified working conditions and livable wages for farmworkers within dairy supply chains.

学生领导联系人: 莱斯利·里维拉 25 (lrivera@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); 伊丽莎。戈兹沃西 26日(egoldsworthy@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); 梅兰妮·阿尔瓦拉多·阿布鲁 27 (malvaradoabr@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); Olivier Alimasi Bikyeombe 27 (abikyeombe@mail.mogrenlandscape.com)


我们的 使命及宗旨 是倡导社会正义, 特别是在饥饿和无家可归的情况下, 通过提高意识, 直接处理社区的需要, and facilitating the growth of relationships between volunteers and the community.

C.O.O.K ‘N FOOD meets regularly at Dismas House and ANEW Place to prepare meals for residents and families living at each location. 在Dismas House, we also have the opportunity to spend time with the residents in their homes during and after dinner. This program is a wonderful example of service of presence and our partnership with each non-profit is very much appreciated.

学生领导联系人: 利比罗西 26日(erossi2@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); Ruby索伦森 26日(rsorensen@mail.mogrenlandscape.com); Charleigh瓦格纳 26日(cwagner@mail.mogrenlandscape.com)

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